FedBiz Access SAM Certified Badge

Right click on image above and select “Save Image As” to download and save (or use the button below to download a zip with three different sizes)

FedBiz Access SAM Certified Badge

Showcase that your business is SAM Certified

Add the official FedBiz Access SAM Certified Badge to your website.

Announce to Government Buyers that your SAM.gov registration is maintained by the leading professionals in SAM registration assistance. Your SAM registration and DSBS profile are optimized for performance by experienced professionals that have worked closely with the U.S. Federal Government for over 21 years.

IMPORTANT: To ensure best possible visibility and SAM Registration validation, please have your web developer link the SAM Certified Badge to the following SAM Registration information web page: https://fedbizaccess.com/sam-registered/

Follow these Steps:

  1. Download Badge Image
  2. Upload to your Website (Place Badge in your website footer or Government Landing Page [if applicable])
  3. Link Image to: https://fedbizaccess.com/sam-registered/
  4. You’re all set!